Our Cardiac Reconditioning Program is designed to improve patient’s confidence and independence with daily tasks, exercise tolerance and to educate patient’s following a cardiac event or surgery. Through our comprehensive rehabilitation service our Cardiac Reconditioning team will develop an individualised cardiac management plan tailored to your needs.
This week 2GB radio broadcaster and author Paul B Kidd tells us about his successfully completed experience with us at Eastern Suburbs Private Hospital.
Why did you come to Eastern Suburbs Private Hospital?
After 8 hospitalisations due to an extensive medical history & in addition to a motor vehicle accident, I was so debilitated & in desperate need of rehabilitation, it was recommended that I attend. I needed to learn how to walk again.
How do you feel after completing the Cardiac Reconditioning Program?
When I arrived at ESPH I struggled to get across the street from where I parked my car to the front steps. Dr Fulop had to carry my bag up the steps, it took me around 10 minutes.
At the end of my stay and during my outpatient rehab, I was up to walking 1km and feeling great. I now hold the record for walking 104 laps of the incline walking ramp.
Why would you recommend our team as a wellness partner?
After the care that I received I can’t praise Dr Fulop and the whole team enough. They were absolutely and utterly magnificent. I would recommend this hospital to anyone – so much so I have returned diligently for 2 sessions per week and will continue to do so. The allied health team have truly rallied around me and have named the walking track after me.
If you’re like Paul and want to improve your cardiac wellness get in touch with us today.
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Cardiac Rehabilitation is a Heart Wellness Program that includes exercise and information sessions to help you get back on your feet again after a heart attack, heart surgery or procedure.
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